Car Loan

Check Car Loan Eligibility

Best Car Loan Interest Rates Available from India's Top Banks

Note: The interest rates will differ from one bank to another. This makes it critical to compare the interest rates before choosing a loan to apply for.

Bank Name
Interest Rate
Processing Fee
Loan Amount/Tenure
9.40% p.a. onwards
₹1L - ₹10Cr Tenure(Up to 30 Years)
9.15% p.a. onwards
0.25% of the loan amount
₹10L - ₹50L Tenure(1 - 30 Years)
8.55% p.a. onwards
Minimum of Rs.3,500 and maximum of Rs.7,000
₹5L - ₹1Cr Tenure(1 - 25 Years)
11.00% p.a. onwards
Up to 0.5%
₹10L - ₹75L Tenure(1 - 30 Years)
8.60% p.a. onwards
0 Processing Fee
₹5L - ₹40L